Powder Major’s Farm Cottage

1. The Parties
This agreement made this ____ day of __________________________, 20____ between ________________________________ [name of tenant] of ________________________________________[address of tenant] ________________ [cell phone of tenant] ____________ [email of tenant]

The above individual,hereinafter referred to as “Tenant”, enters into this agreeement with the Powder Major’s Farm LLC of 6 Cherry Lane, hereinafter referred to as “Landlord”.

2. The Property 
Property Location: 8 Cherry Lane, Madbury, NH (aka The Cottage at Powder Major’s Farm).  The property is a fully-furnished small house with sleeping accomodations for six people. The accomodations include one queen bed, and four twin beds upstairs. There are two full bathrooms - one on each floor. The cottage has a full kitchen, dining area, living room space, screened in porch and deck. Guest vehicles can be parked in the area behind the storage barn directly across from the cottage.  

3. Rental Period and Guests 
The rental period for the cottage is a minimum of two nights and can be extended upon request. Total number in rental party consists of six or fewer and will not exceed that number without prior approval. 

The rental period begins at 12:00 Noon on the first day of rental and ends at 12:00 Noon on the third day. Rental period may be modified but requires prior  approval from the Powder Major’s Farm LLC. The rental party will arrive:  __________________,20____ and will depart ____:____ ☐ AM ☐ PM on the day of ________________________,20____.

4. Rental Amount 
Total rental fee for the two night period is One Thousand Dollars ($ 1,000) or equal to Five Hundred Dollars ($ 500) per night.

5. Fees, Taxes, and Deposit

  • Rental Fee: $ 1000

  • Cleaning Fee: $ 101

  • Taxes: $ 99 (NH 9% Room & Meals Tax)

  • Security Deposit: $ 200 (Refundable & Non Taxable)

Total Deposit and Fees Due with Signed Agreement: $ 1,400.

The Security Deposit will be returned to Tenant within 14 days of termination of rental period if there is no property damage or loss of provided materials.  

6. Termination 
The Landlord has the right to inspect the premises at any time. Should the Tenant violate any of the terms of this agreement, the rental period shall be terminated immediately in accordance with state law. The Tenants waive all rights to due process if they fail to vacate the premises upon termination of the rental period. The Tenants shall vacate the premises at the expiration time and date of this agreement.

7. Damage/Repair and Excessive Cleanup 
The Tenants shall keep and return the premises in a good, clean and ready to rent condition upon termination of the rental period and will use the premises only in a careful and lawful manner.  Tenants shall pay for maintenance and repairs should the premises be left in a lesser condition. The tenants agree that the Landlord shall deduct costs of said services from the security deposit prior to refund if tenants cause damage to the premises or its furnishings. The Landlord reserves the right to use any or all of the damage deposit for extraordinary cleanup, or damages to or destruction of any real or personal property located in, on or around the property. If damage costs exceed the security deposit amount tenant will be required to pay additional costs to remedy.      

8. Trash 
The Tenants shall dispose of all waste material and trash generated during the rental period in the designated trash area behind the cottage (in front of garage door).

No animals or pets of any kind will be brought onto the premises.

10. Subletting. 
The Tenant shall not have the right to sublet the property.

11. Quiet Enjoyment.
The Tenants shall behave in a civilized manner and shall be good neighbors respecting the rights of the surrounding property owners. The Tenants shall not create noise or disturbances likely to disturb or annoy the surrounding property owners. Creating a disturbance of the above nature shall be grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and Tenants shall then immediately vacate the premises. Quiet hour starts at 10 PM where outdoor noise should be kept to a minimum. No more than 10 people can congregate inside or outside of the premises without permission from landlord. After event parties are prohibited.    

12. Smoking
Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the home. Depositing of cigarette butts must be made outside and in a designated container only.

13. Essentials
Landlord shall provide the following to the Tenant: Towels, Linens, Paper Goods, Cups, Dishes, Utensils, Pots and Pans.  

14. Landlord’s Liability 
The Tenants and Tenants' Guests shall hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Landlord against any and all claims of personal injury or property damage or loss arising from use of the premises regardless of the nature of the accident, injury or loss. Tenants expressly recognize that any insurance for property damage or loss which the Landlord may maintain on the property does not cover the personal property of Tenants, and that Tenants should purchase their own insurance for Tenants and Guests if such coverage is desired.

15. Rental Fees
The rental fee is fully refundable up to one week prior to the beginning of the rental period. After said period prior to the rental start date the Landlord shall have the right to retain the Rental Deposit at the Landlord's discretion. 

16. Attorney’s Fees
Tenants agree to pay all reasonable costs, attorney's fees and expenses that shall be made or incurred by Landlord enforcing this agreement.

17. Use of Property  Tenants expressly acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is for transient occupancy of the Property, and that Tenants do not intend to make the property a residence or household.

18. Firearms  Firearms are strictly prohibited on the premises.

19. Fireworks  Tenant agrees that Fireworks and other hazardous materials shall not be used in or around the property.

20. Illegal Use  Tenant shall use the property for legal purposes only and other use, such as but not limited to, illegal drug use, abuse of any person, harboring fugitives, etc. shall cause termination of this agreement with no refund of rents or deposits.

21. Possessions  Landlord is not responsible for security and does accept any responsibility or loss of any article or prooperty left at the cottage prior to, during or after the event. Valuable items left behind by tenant will be held for the tenant and every reasonable effort will be made to contact the tenant for return.. 

22. Manager/Landlord Contact

Landlord/Manager’s Name: Chuck and Beth Goss
Landlord/Manager’s Telephone: (603) 303-1740
Landlord/Manager’s E-Mail: beth@powdermajorsfarm.com
Landlord/Manager’s Address: 6 Cherry Lane Madbury NH 03823 

23. Governing Law 
Tenant agrees to comply with all appplicable county, state and federal laws and shall conduct no illegal act on the premises. This agreement is governed under the laws of the State of New Hampshire.  

25. Other Agreements
In addition to the language stated in this agreement the parties, Landlord and Tenant, agree to the following: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Landlord and Tenant agree to the above conditions on this ____ day of _____________________, 20____ and hereby swear that the information provided is accurate and true:

Tenant’s Signature _____________________________ Date ______________

Print Name _____________________________

Tenant’s Signature _____________________________ Date ______________

Print Name _____________________________

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Landlord’s Signature _____________________________ Date ______________

Print Name _____________________________

Landlord’s Signature _____________________________ Date ______________

Print Name _____________________________